Partly Facetious: What is the price of reconciliation?
"The operation, surgical, has started in Karachi."
"About time! It cost the people of Karachi hundreds of deaths before the government began the operation."
"There was a method to the government's madness if you will."
"Madness, as in postponing the operation, or launching it?"
"Postponing it. And the only method that makes sense is that the government thought that if it began a non-partisan operation then the MQM would be angered, as would the ANP and last and certainly least if Mirza and Gabol are to be believed the PPP Sindhi jiyalas would be angered."
"That's really telling it like it is! As is common knowledge all the political parties have militant wings!"
"As I keep saying militant is not the correct word. Talk of murderers, kidnappers, bhatta collectors and..."
"MQM accused the PPP of supporting these criminals."
"And the PPP accuses the MQM. And the ANP accuses the MQM and the MQM accuses the ANP."
"So two parties accuse MQM and MQM accuses both the parties."
"Yes and interestingly the operation was launched in Lyari, a PPP stronghold where people came out in protest and the rangers ran away, and Katti pahari, an ANP stronghold..."
"Don't go there! You know and I know that MQM supporters have been picked up as well."
"So now what?"
"Now we wait and see...if the MQM remains angry then I suppose one can assume that more MQM supporters have been picked up and..."
"I challenge this logic. My question is why is the police allowing the arrested to hide their faces? So they can release them later?"
"You don't trust your police?"
"I do but I don't trust those who they take orders from. I mean in the name of reconciliation this country has been subjected to a lot of loot and plunder and murder and..."
"That is the price of reconciliation my friend - learn to live with it."
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